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When Christ Church Madison was planted, we committed to working our way through the first five books of the Bible (often referred to as the “Pentateuch” or the Books of Moses) during the summer months. So far, we have spent four glorious summers in Genesis and Exodus. Now, we have finally arrived at the third book and bleeding heart of the Pentateuch: Leviticus.

The prospect of spending two summers in the book of Leviticus may fill some of us with fear and trepidation. After all, it is full of blood, sacrifices, bodily fluids, and skin diseases, all wrapped up in ancient ritualistic language. It is, as some have joked, “the place where Bible reading plans go to die.”

And yet, for all this, Leviticus remains the literary and theological center of the Pentateuch. Join us as we wrestle with these powerful scriptures and are led by them into the inner sanctum of the mystery of life and the Gospel of Jesus.

SUMMER 2024 | PART 1

7/7 - The Heart of the Matter (overview)
7/14 - A Pleasing Aroma (ch. 1-3)
7/21 - Where to take your Guilt (ch. 4-7)
7/28 - Holy and Strange Fire (ch. 8-10)
8/4 - When God Decides the Menu (ch. 11)
8/11 - Bodily Fluids and the Gospel (ch. 12-15)
8/18 - Entering the Inner Sanctum (ch. 16)

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