HomeWord Blog

Takeaways from Provincial Assembly 2024
July 3rd, 2024
During the last week of June, representatives from every diocese of the Anglican Church in North America, and many international guests, gathered at St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, PA for Provincial Assembly. It was a long, very full week of meetings, worship services, and opportunities to connect with people from across our denomination. I was privileged to participate as a delegate from our di...
The Story of Our New Cross
April 11th, 2024
If you attend our church and recently journeyed with us through Holy Week, you may have noticed that on Palm Sunday we suddenly had this new, gorgeously built cross. This is the story of where that new cross came from and how it was built. Every year on our church birthday (All Saint's Sunday) we have given the congregation a gift. This past November was our 5th birthday, and......
Asleep in Christ, at Home with the Lord
November 20th, 2023
Hello brothers and sisters!As many of you know, we are currently our way through the book of 1 Thessalonians on Sunday mornings, and this past week I preached on Paul’s stunning teaching on the Second Coming of Christ in 4:13-5:11. One of the things we considered in 4:13-17 is how, by his Cross and Resurrection, Jesus transformed death into sleep for his followers, and that at his Second Coming “t...
Reading the Apocrypha
November 14th, 2023
Our church follows a daily Bible reading plan called the Lectionary. You can find it starting on p. 738 in the Book of Common Prayer (2019), and in the Bible portion of our App. We just finished 2 Kings, and had a shift in the Old Testament reading – we’re starting to read from the Apocrypha. If you’re thinking “Hold up a second, Kaitlyn… the Apocrypha?! Why is that in the Lectionary, alongside th...
What We Celebrate on All Saints
October 31st, 2023
All Saints has always been special at Christ Church Madison, since it was when we officially launched as a church plant back in 2018. To be specific, we celebrate our birthday on All Saints Sunday - the first Sunday after the Feast of All Saints, which is November 1. Over the decade+ that I’ve been Anglican, All Saints has come to be one of my personal favorite feasts of the church (if we’re allow...